пятница, 17 июля 2009 г.
The first day of Grand Duchess in Byelorussia
Here you can read the details of the Highest Visit of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna to Gomel (Byelorussia).
среда, 15 июля 2009 г.
The Highest Visit to Belarus and the meeting with the RIU-O
Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna began Her following the Highest Visit to Russia. This time Her Imperial Highness visits as usual Moscow and the territory of current the Republic of Belarus, a former part of the Russian Empire. [To read more...]
понедельник, 13 июля 2009 г.
A memorial plate to Grand Duchess Elizabeth

In Ekaterinburg will be placed a memorial plate on the house in which in 1918 princess Elizabeth Romanov stayed. According to the press-service of the New-Tikhvin monastery, the tablet will appear on the house № 19 on the Lenin Street - a building of bodies of FSB and the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs where in 1918 were Atamanov rooms. Here during the short stay in Ekaterinburg, before departure to Alapaevsk, lived princes of Imperial blood - Igor Konstantinovich, Konstantin Konstantinovich, John Konstantinovich, and also Prince Vladimir. A board made under sketches of sisters of the New-Tikhvin monastery, will establish on July, 13th. On action will be present archbishop of Ekaterinburg Vikentii, mayor of Ekaterinburg Arcady Chernetsky and representatives of FSB and the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs on Ekaterinburg region.
"This event is significant for several reasons. Owing to it many people learn that in Ekaterinburg there were persons of Imperial blood before their sending to Alapaevsk, and it is probable, will want to get acquainted with details of tragic events of those days. Secondly, owing to installation of a memorial plate in city there will be one more historical place. And for orthodox installation of this board is significant also because they will have one more place where they can pay tribute to martyr Elizabeth", - tell in the eparchial commission on sacred canonization.
To return as a historical institution
Romanov's Imperial House is ready to return to Russia on a constant basis, but terms of this returning are not certain yet.
"The Imperial House wishes to return to Russia, and we trust that it will occur, as in many civilised countries. But it is necessary, that they have returned not as private persons, and the historical institution has returned, it is necessary, that the state has defined the attitude to the Imperial House", - director of office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House Alexander Zakatov has told on 26 June at press conference at central office of "Interfax".
As he said, work in this direction is conducted, but to name even provisional terms of possible returning while it is impossible. "Returning of the Imperial House home at all does not mean restoration of a monarchy, and members of the house could realise cultural, charitable programs", - has emphasized A.Zakatov.
Concerning probable returning of the Imperial House to Russia, A.Zakatov also has specified necessity of final end of rehabilitation of members of the Family of Romanovs and those who has been closely connected with it.
"The Imperial House wishes to return to Russia, and we trust that it will occur, as in many civilised countries. But it is necessary, that they have returned not as private persons, and the historical institution has returned, it is necessary, that the state has defined the attitude to the Imperial House", - director of office of the Head of the Russian Imperial House Alexander Zakatov has told on 26 June at press conference at central office of "Interfax".
As he said, work in this direction is conducted, but to name even provisional terms of possible returning while it is impossible. "Returning of the Imperial House home at all does not mean restoration of a monarchy, and members of the house could realise cultural, charitable programs", - has emphasized A.Zakatov.
Concerning probable returning of the Imperial House to Russia, A.Zakatov also has specified necessity of final end of rehabilitation of members of the Family of Romanovs and those who has been closely connected with it.
понедельник, 6 июля 2009 г.
Las conferencias de los monárquicos rusos
La Unión-Orden Imperial Rusa (la organización monárquica más grande de Rusia) y el Partido Grande Nacionalista de Rusia «Una Gran Rusia», organizaron y ofrecieron conferencias consagradas a la lucha contra la crisis, el 24 de mayo en Moscú y el 27 de junio en el Nijniy Nóvgorod.
Los participantes pusieron atención en las medidas económicas de la lucha contra la crisis y las causas espirituales que provocado la crisis global de la civilización europea.
Como parte de estas actividades, se presentó un libro fundamental: El Manifiesto Nacional de Andrey Savelev, Sergey Pyhtin e Ígor Kaljadin. El libro analiza el curso de la historia mundial y ofrece una mirada conceptual del nacionalismo a la historia y el medio del desarrollo de los pueblos.
A lo largo de la historia, la lucha principal que ocurría invariablemente en las naciones era por aspirar a la libertad, pero se topaba con la oligarquía y la burocracia, que querían adjudicarse los resultados del trabajo ajeno.
Actualmente se prepara la traducción de El Manifiesto Nacional al inglés y francés, la correspondiente al español por ahora sólo está planeada.
Además, la Unión-Orden Imperial Rusa presentó su Programa contra la Crisis. Ésta es la primera propuesta de los monárquicos rusos de un programa con pleno valor económico que toca el cambio de los sistemas fiscales, monetarios y bancarios. Su objetivo es abastecer el fomento de la industria y la agricultura y cambiar la forma de la nueva distribución de los bienes que deben obtenerlos quienes los hacen en lugar de los banqueros que además se apropian de una imagen fraudulenta.
Otra de las exigencias básicas de la UOIR es el regreso del oro como básico económico.
Los participantes pusieron atención en las medidas económicas de la lucha contra la crisis y las causas espirituales que provocado la crisis global de la civilización europea.
Como parte de estas actividades, se presentó un libro fundamental: El Manifiesto Nacional de Andrey Savelev, Sergey Pyhtin e Ígor Kaljadin. El libro analiza el curso de la historia mundial y ofrece una mirada conceptual del nacionalismo a la historia y el medio del desarrollo de los pueblos.
A lo largo de la historia, la lucha principal que ocurría invariablemente en las naciones era por aspirar a la libertad, pero se topaba con la oligarquía y la burocracia, que querían adjudicarse los resultados del trabajo ajeno.
Actualmente se prepara la traducción de El Manifiesto Nacional al inglés y francés, la correspondiente al español por ahora sólo está planeada.
Además, la Unión-Orden Imperial Rusa presentó su Programa contra la Crisis. Ésta es la primera propuesta de los monárquicos rusos de un programa con pleno valor económico que toca el cambio de los sistemas fiscales, monetarios y bancarios. Su objetivo es abastecer el fomento de la industria y la agricultura y cambiar la forma de la nueva distribución de los bienes que deben obtenerlos quienes los hacen en lugar de los banqueros que además se apropian de una imagen fraudulenta.
Otra de las exigencias básicas de la UOIR es el regreso del oro como básico económico.
суббота, 4 июля 2009 г.
Monarchical conference in Nizhniy Novgorod

A view on Volga from a tower of the middle-ages castle in Nizhniy Novgorod
On 27 June 2009 in Nizhniy Novgorod, the third city in the European part of Russia, the Russian Imperial Union-Order and a party “Great Russia” organised a conference “The Crisis and Prospects of Development”. The conference was held in the best hotel of the city “Aleksandrovsky Garden”.

Sergey Pykhtin makes a report. The symbols of "Great Russia" (a jumpping tiger) and the RIU-O (an eagle with a sword) at the screen)
A new book of a leader of “Great Russia” Andrey Savelev, secretary of “Great Russia” Sergey Pykhtin and economist Igor Kalyadin “National Manifesto” was presented to the people who came to the conference. Sergey Pykhtin told participants of the conference about short theses of the book. The main idea of the book is that all history of human civilisation is connected to the confrontation of the nations and folks which desire freedom and oligarchy and bureaucracy which try to get the results of another’s labour.
An ideologist of the Russian Imperial Union-Order Anton Liubich made a report dedicated to use of fiat money in favour of oligarchy and to the gold standard as a step to defend interests of industry and common people from vicious pretensions of financial oligarchy.
A vice-chairman of Prikamie Department of the RIU-O Victor Yerastov made a report dedicated to the problems of house-building in Russia and necessity to develop down-towns instead of megalopolises to keep national culture and identity.
Some local businessmen narrated about problems of business in Nizhniy Novgorod region.
An officer of the Chancellery of the Commander of the RIU-O Sergey Skorobogatov told the participants of the conference about spiritual basis of the crisis.
A member of the RIU-O from Moscow Georgiy Pavlenko in his report spoke about demographic problems of the Russian and all white civilisation and the connection of these problems with “sex revolution” of 1960-s.
In the final report Andrey Savelev called to the third way of the national development, alternative to socialistic and liberal. Russian nationalists, monarchists have their own philosophic, economic platform, theoretical knowledge and practical experience to realise their program in life.
Each participant of the conference get in present a copy of “National Manifesto” and the anti-crisis program of the RIU-O “Package of steps to overcome the crisis: from chaos to monarchy.” Now “National Manifesto” is translated into English.
Chancellery of the Commander of the RIU-O
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