воскресенье, 11 апреля 2010 г.
Plane crash in Smolensk
The Chancellery of the Commander of the Russian Imperial Union-Order presents our condolences to the members of families, friends and all close people of the victims of the plane crash happened on 10 April 2010 in Smolensk (in West Russia), where the President of Poland Sir Lech Kaczynski, his wife and the members of the official Polish delegation were killed.
среда, 7 апреля 2010 г.
24.8% are FOR monarchy in Russia
In Belgorod (a regional centre in Middle Russia) at the end of March 2010 the Russian Imperial Union-Order organised a sociological research of public attitude to the monarchy and the Russian Imperial House. 180 people of different age and social status agreed to participate in the research.
13.4% of the participants are monarchists under their views. At the same time [To read details in English FREE...]
13.4% of the participants are monarchists under their views. At the same time [To read details in English FREE...]
воскресенье, 4 апреля 2010 г.

On 4 April 2010 the Saint Orthodox Church celebrates the most important Christian holiday – Easter.
Easter is a holiday when the Church reminds the people about the miracle which the God Son gave the people, when He has arisen on the third day after His crucifixion. Resurrection of Jesus Christ opened to the people who live in sins the doors of the Realm of the Lord, the doors of salvation for the next life in eternal glory with the Lord. [To read more in English...]
On 29 March 2010 in the morning two explosions were happened in the Moscow Underground at the stations “Lubyanka” and “Park Kultury” (The Park of Culture). More than 100 people were the victims of these terroristic acts: 36 were murdered, 3 died in hospitals soon and near 60 people were wounded. The next day in Kizlyar (a town in Dagestan, a Russian province at the Caucasus) terrorists organised the following explosion and killed 12 people, including 9 policemen. [To read more in English...]
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