понедельник, 21 февраля 2011 г.

The Highest Visit to the Supreme Court

Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna visited on 21 February 2011 the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in Moscow.
Grand Duchess met with the Chairman of the Court Mr Vyacheslav Lebedev and then with judges and officials of the Court's Office.

Her Imperial Highness emphasized, "Exactly the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Court [of 1 October 2008 about the rehabilitation of Emperor Nicholas II and the Members of His Family] was the sign that new Russia appeared, the state which can objectively estimate its historical past and has no fear to look at the future."
Grand Duchess confirmed that the Russian Imperial House has no property demands to the Russian Federation. Also Her Imperial Highness came for concession to the House the rights of a historical institution in Russia to execute the charity and other social activity in the country better.

The Russian Imperial House will not participate in any political struggle and will not support any political party, the institutions of the monarchy shall be independent on the politics, it is the firm idea of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. Nevertheless, Grand Duchess believes in restoration of the monarchy, if the people would like to do so. The main thing for Her Imperial Highness is not the restoration itself, but the possibility to serve to Russia any way, as it is necessary for the country.