The Russian Imperial House unites members of the Imperial Family, duly heirs and successors of the Russian Throne. The Russian Imperial House symbolises for all truly Russian people state historical tradition and together with the faith in the Lord gives hope for better state building than today's.
The Russian Imperial House consists of three people.
Head of the Russian Imperial House Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess (de jure Empress of all the Russias)
The Russian Imperial House consists of three people.
Head of the Russian Imperial House Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess (de jure Empress of all the Russias)

Grand Duchess
The Head of the Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess (de jure Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of all Russias) Maria I Wladimirovna was born the 23rd of December 1953 (new church calendar) in Madrid, Spain. She is the only daughter of the late Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. Grand Duke Wladimir III Kirillovich, and His Most August Spouse H.I.H. Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna (born H.R.H. Princess Bagration-Muhkrani of Georgia). Following the tradition of the Imperial Family, the Grand Duchess was brought up in the spirit of the Orthodox Faith and devotion to the interests of Russia.

Grand Duchess in childhood
Because Her Father was the only male dynast of the Imperial House to contract an equal marriage after 1917, it became highly likely that the young Grand Duchess would in due course become the heiress to the Russian throne. Because of this, Her Father the Grand Duke Wladimir III Kirillovich determined that She had reached Her dynastic majority at the age of 16 (Article 40 Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire), and on December 23, 1969, the Grand Duchess swore the prescribed dynastic oath of allegiance of loyalty to Her Fatherland and Her August Father. The same day the Head of the Russian Imperial House issued a Decree ordaining that, should He die prior to the deaths of the several then living Princes of the Imperial Blood who have entered into morganatic marriages, the Grand Duchess Maria would become the Curatrix of the Imperial Throne.

Grand Duchess in youth
On the 22nd of September 1976 the Grand Duchess contracted an equal marriage with H.R.H. Prince Franz-Wilhelm of Prussia. Since the Grand Duchess would eventually be the head of the Romanoff Dynasty, a dynastic agreement was entered into and legally formulated between the Russian Imperial House and the Prussian Royal House prior to the wedding, in which Prince Franz-Wilhelm converted to the Orthodox Faith and became a member of the Russian Imperial House with the name Mikhail Pavlovich and the title of Grand Duke. He also promised that any issue from this marriage would be brought up in the Orthodox Faith. The status of the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich was determined by the provisions of Article 6 of the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire.
In any event, the Decree of 1969 did not need to come into force. In 1989, Prince of the Imperial Blood Vassily Alexandrovich (Prince Vassily of Russia) died, leaving the Head of the Imperial House, the Grand Duke Wladimir III Kirillovich, as the only surviving male dynast of the male line of the dynasty. From that point, the Grand Duchess became first in line after Her Father.
The Grand Duke Wladimir III Kirillovich was the last male dynast in the male line of the Romanoff Dynasty. At His death and in accordance with Article 30 of the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire, the succession passed to the female line in the person of His Daughter. The Grand Duchess thus became the Head of the Russian Imperial Dynasty (de jureEmpress of all Russias) Maria I.
Her Imperial Highness studied at Oxford University. In addition to Russian, the Grand Duchess is fluent in English, French, and Spanish. She also speaks and reads German, Italian and Arabic. Her first visit to the Fatherland was April 1992 to attend the funeral of the Grand Duke Wladimir III Kirillovich in St. Petersburg. Since that time, Her Imperial Highess has repeatedly been in the Fatherland, carrying on the duties of Her Father and attempting to help Her compatriots in a difficult transitional period. In Her speeches She constantly emphasizes that She is ready to respond to a call from the people, but that under no circumstances does She wish Monarchy to be imposed on the Russian people against their will.

Grand Duchess in a church
Like Her Father and Grandfather, the Grand Duchess Maria I Wladimirovna loyally and steadfastly discharges the service entrusted to Her by God, completely dedicating Her life to Her beloved Fatherland.
His Imperial Higheness Heir to the throne the Grand Duke

Grand Duke
His Imperial Highness the Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Georgii Mihailovich was born on March 13th (new church calendar) 1981 in Madrid, on the eve of the 100th Anniversary of the martyrdom of his Great-great-grandfather Emperor Alexander II the Liberator (1/14 March, 1881). He was born of the marriage of H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria Wladimirovna to H.I.H. Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich (born H.R.H. Prince Franz-Wilhelm of Prussia). The baptism of the Grand Duke in the presence of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Kursk, in the Orthodox Church of Madrid, was attended by King Juan-Carlos I and Queen Sophia of Spain, King Simeon II and Queen Margarita of Bulgaria, and his godfather was King Konstantin II of Greece.
The early childhood of the Tsarevich was spent in St. Briac, France, and then in Paris. Until 1999, the Heir together with His August Mother, principally lived in Madrid where He completed college. He later studied at Oxford. From the time of His early childhood, the Grand Duke was educated in the spirit of the Orthodox Faith and in the awareness of His regal duty to His homeland.
The Tsarevich first visited Russia in April 1992, when the entire Imperial Family attended the funeral of the Grand Duke Wladimir III Kirillovich. Since then He has been many times in the Fatherland, always showing a lively interest in all aspects of the life of the people. Russia’s ancient Orthodox churches, and what He considers their uniquely special prayerful atmosphere, have made an indelible impression on the Grand Duke. Visits to military establishments and discussions with soldiers, sailors and officers of the Russian Army and Navy also interest and please Him deeply.
The Tsarevich occupies himself with sports and shoots well. Besides Russian, in which He always receives excellent marks, the Grand Duke speaks English, French and Spanish. He knows well and participates in the services of the Orthodox Church. On the 9th of April 1997, during the pilgrimage of the Imperial Family to the Holy Land, the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgii Mikhailovich, pursuant to the Russian Dynastic Law, took His dynastic oath to the Fatherland and to His August Mother. The ceremony took place in Jerusalem, in the Throne Room of the Patriarch’s residence, where the oath of His Imperial Highness was received by the Eminent Hierarch of the Holy Church and strict guardian of the purity of Orthodoxy, Patriarch Diodor of Jerusalem. The Patriarch gave His blessings to the Grand Duke and His prayer that the Grand Duke could defend the Orthodox Faith, serve Russia and her people, and inviolably preserve laws of the Russian Imperial Dynasty.
8 комментариев:
Three dimensional portraits or famous historical figures of the Romanov dynasty may now be viewed.
Mr. G. S. Stuart invites you to visit his website at
Leroy Becker
Executive Director
Historical Figures Foundation.
It tells us that Grand Duke Georgi Mikhailovich was administered the oath of allegiance by the Ptriarch of Jerusalem Diodor; who adminsitered the oath to Grand Duches Maria?
They are FRAUDS!!!
My blood was tested!!!
I am Great Granddaughter to Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich brother of Tzar Nicholas II!!!
And I have the documents to prove it!!!
They are frauds!!!
Hello,I'm the Real Russian Imperial Romanova.I don't know much about DNA testing but you can check it if you doubt me?
My Great Grand mother must have been Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova who changed her identity because I went through my family heirlooms as a child finding her Faberge eggs/Imperial stars/her father's medals/jeweled tiaras and necklaces and heaps of other important heirlooms.Everything has been stolen from us by a handyman that my father hired.
Our Imperial family heirlooms like the 3rd Imperial Faberge egg you see at Wartski.Have all been stolen from us since Aug 1997.Wartski has been selling our stolen Russian Imperial family heirlooms without our knowledge.
I'm the Real Imperial Russian Romanova Emperor weather Russia likes it or not.If God entrusted you? Then prove it! Why do you think God chose my Great Grand mother to survive the massacre? God entrusted me to lead the Russian people. If Russians deny me than they are denying God's will.
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