The main enemies of the world of the global oligarchy are peoples and nations with their religious and cultural uniqueness and national interests. Oligarchs prefer to deal with disconnected individuals not capable for self-organization and, moreover, for resistance to their enslavers. Hence, the oligarchy hates any manifestation of national originality, ideals or interests. This is to explain their drive to encourage any kind of migration in order to dilute settled indigenous nations, which have created their own states and governments, with migrants of a different culture, demanding tolerance from the natives. Meanwhile, tolerance means rejection of one’s own national identity and absorption of a certain universal morality acceptable for the oligarchs. But what kind of morality may belong to those immoral in principle?
The oligarchs’ enemy number one is the state preserving its national identity and political independence, defending its sovereignty and economic independence. While the enslaved countries build aggressive coalitions and unleash wars against sovereign states, the subservient media delivers campaigning and propaganda to substantiate and justify the raging injustice.
The Renaissance promised a free world to everybody but only the few obtained freedom. Election systems have turned into a tool of the bureaucrats that offer to choose between bad and appalling candidates. This is their version of freedom.
The same happens in the economy. Laws have been created to enslave nations via suppression of their economic and political advancement. Developed by international organizations, the global rules of trade are suppressing national business. Preferences are given to corporations that dilute the national nature of property and national borders. Movement of cheap labor has brought about depression of national industries, undermined the moral basics of entrepreneurship and the employer-employee relationship, and destroyed the labor ethics.
Unsophisticated and unproductive, the slave labor is combined with monopoly to use up-to-date equipment that leaves scientists, engineers and craftsmen out of the production process. Entire industries are slain in favor of screwdriver manufacturing. The oligarchic transnational corporations abuse the artificial intellectual property rights to appropriate all technical achievements and prohibit their use, thus impeding progress.
With such arrangement of economy, politics inevitably becomes a farce. In order to convince the nations that the governments defend national interests, the oligarchy incessantly initiates patriotic public campaigns and launches local wars with premeditated outcomes, excusing their actions by patriotic rhetoric and demands for freedom and justice for all. At that, legitimacy is given to puppet regimes, always obedient to the golden calf sect and interests of the oligarchs that steal the riches created by the sweat and blood of the enslaved nations.
The nations are kept in humility by means of an ancient hoax, i.e. satisfaction of the masses’ lowest demands. Bread and circuses is a time-proven formula. Gladiators have given way to sports and gala performances in stadiums and on TV screens. A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry, in belief that hard times may never come. And the hungry one, receiving his helping of bread, is ready to forget that this is a sop to buy his right for disposal of the riches belonging to the current and future generations, and to deprive the nation of the minimal chance for dignified existence. Corruption of the nation by material lures brings about cultural and economic degradation, demographic catastrophe and lost state.
понедельник, 31 августа 2009 г.
Die Nationen und die Oligarchie. Der Kult der Oligarchie
Seit unvordenklicher Zeit hat das goldene Kalb Gelüste zur Versklavung von Menschen geweckt. Und das 20. Jahrhundert , das die Traditionen und moralischen Normen in den Feuern der Kriege und Revolutionen zerstört hat, hat die sektiererische Anbetung des Kalbes in eine offen praktizierte Religion verwandelt. Nationen und Staaten sind überzeugt, daß Wohlstand durch Lenkung von Geldströmen erreichbar ist. Diejenigen, die sich weigern das Geld anzubeten werden jetzt als Primitive oder Eweiggestrige dargestellt.
Die Entwicklung der Kommunikation hat den neumodischen Priestern unermessliche Möglichkeiten zur Propagierung ihres Glaubens gegeben. Und die Massenmedien haben sich in ihre Hauptwaffe entwickelt. Die Redefreiheit ist untergegangen in einem Sturzbach von Lobpreis für das goldene Kalb und in Verdammung, Hohn und Lüge für diejenigen, die sich nicht vor ihm niederwerfen. Die Redefreiheit hat sich zur Freiheit den Herrschenden zu dienen entwickelt, was von diesen mit Geld und Zeichen des Respekts entlohnt wird.
Indem sie Sentimentalität und Anstand an den Rand drängt, etablieren Bürokratie und freie Presse neue Standards menschlichen Verhalten, um das oligarchische Kapital zu schaffen. Geld wird zum alleinigen Kriterium für Erfolg und Würde.
Die Oligarchen haben sich stets auf linke Ideen, seien sie sozialistisch oder liberal, verlassen um die Leute mit der theoretischen Möglichkeit des gleichen Anteils am nationalen Wohlstand zu verführen und (?)gestehen sich dabei eine unvereinbar große Portion in verschiedene privaten Bestrebungen zu(?). In beiden Fällen besteht die Verlockung in weniger Arbeit und mehr Konsum. Im Ergebnis produziert die Nation weniger, wobei der Löwenanteil des Konsums an oligarchischen Klane geht. Gleichzeitig macht die Propaganda-Maschine aus Bürgern Leibeigene, die nicht imstande sind, ihr Schicksal zu führen. Und all diejenigen, die die nationalen Interessen verteidigen und die Nation schützen und aufbauen wollen, werden grotesker und abscheulicher Machenschaften beschuldigt, so etwa der Ausrottung von Menschen oder dem Entfesseln von Kriegen, die zum Untergang der ganzen Menschheit führen. Der Ganove schreit „Stoppt den Dieb!“, um die Aufmerksamkeit von seinen eigenen Taten abzulenken.
Kontrolliert von der Plutokratie sind die Regierungen der freien Mächte und deren Exekutivkomitees, die Massenmedien durchgängig und permanent am diskreditieren und diffamieren der Priester und Philosophen, der Wissenschaftler und Schriftsteller, von Politikern und öffentlichen Personen, Essayisten und Militärführern, Lehren und Parteien – tatsächlich von allen, die die Ehre und die Würde der Nation offen verteidigen und von allem, was das nationale Selbstbewußtsein aufrecht erhält. Mit allen Mitteln wird getrickst – Verschweigen, Einschüchterung, teilweiser oder ganzer Ausschluß vom öffentlichen Leben, Zusammenbrauen absurder Beschuldigungen, Aufrichten unüberwindbarer Hürden für den Zugriff auf Presse, Fernsehen und Radio.
Bürokraten, Plutokraten und Oligarchen finden es dienlich, nur diejenigen öffentlichen Personen zu unterstützen und zu befördern, die ihren Interessen dienen und die Leute mit hoffnungslos überkommenen politischen Slogans, Ideen, Konzepten und Dogmen zu verblüffen. Den Nationen werden politische Theorien des 19. Jahrhunderts aufgetischt, die schlußendlich nichts mit der Realität zu tun haben und lediglich dazu dienen, die Zuhörer zu verwirren.
Die Entwicklung der Kommunikation hat den neumodischen Priestern unermessliche Möglichkeiten zur Propagierung ihres Glaubens gegeben. Und die Massenmedien haben sich in ihre Hauptwaffe entwickelt. Die Redefreiheit ist untergegangen in einem Sturzbach von Lobpreis für das goldene Kalb und in Verdammung, Hohn und Lüge für diejenigen, die sich nicht vor ihm niederwerfen. Die Redefreiheit hat sich zur Freiheit den Herrschenden zu dienen entwickelt, was von diesen mit Geld und Zeichen des Respekts entlohnt wird.
Indem sie Sentimentalität und Anstand an den Rand drängt, etablieren Bürokratie und freie Presse neue Standards menschlichen Verhalten, um das oligarchische Kapital zu schaffen. Geld wird zum alleinigen Kriterium für Erfolg und Würde.
Die Oligarchen haben sich stets auf linke Ideen, seien sie sozialistisch oder liberal, verlassen um die Leute mit der theoretischen Möglichkeit des gleichen Anteils am nationalen Wohlstand zu verführen und (?)gestehen sich dabei eine unvereinbar große Portion in verschiedene privaten Bestrebungen zu(?). In beiden Fällen besteht die Verlockung in weniger Arbeit und mehr Konsum. Im Ergebnis produziert die Nation weniger, wobei der Löwenanteil des Konsums an oligarchischen Klane geht. Gleichzeitig macht die Propaganda-Maschine aus Bürgern Leibeigene, die nicht imstande sind, ihr Schicksal zu führen. Und all diejenigen, die die nationalen Interessen verteidigen und die Nation schützen und aufbauen wollen, werden grotesker und abscheulicher Machenschaften beschuldigt, so etwa der Ausrottung von Menschen oder dem Entfesseln von Kriegen, die zum Untergang der ganzen Menschheit führen. Der Ganove schreit „Stoppt den Dieb!“, um die Aufmerksamkeit von seinen eigenen Taten abzulenken.
Kontrolliert von der Plutokratie sind die Regierungen der freien Mächte und deren Exekutivkomitees, die Massenmedien durchgängig und permanent am diskreditieren und diffamieren der Priester und Philosophen, der Wissenschaftler und Schriftsteller, von Politikern und öffentlichen Personen, Essayisten und Militärführern, Lehren und Parteien – tatsächlich von allen, die die Ehre und die Würde der Nation offen verteidigen und von allem, was das nationale Selbstbewußtsein aufrecht erhält. Mit allen Mitteln wird getrickst – Verschweigen, Einschüchterung, teilweiser oder ganzer Ausschluß vom öffentlichen Leben, Zusammenbrauen absurder Beschuldigungen, Aufrichten unüberwindbarer Hürden für den Zugriff auf Presse, Fernsehen und Radio.
Bürokraten, Plutokraten und Oligarchen finden es dienlich, nur diejenigen öffentlichen Personen zu unterstützen und zu befördern, die ihren Interessen dienen und die Leute mit hoffnungslos überkommenen politischen Slogans, Ideen, Konzepten und Dogmen zu verblüffen. Den Nationen werden politische Theorien des 19. Jahrhunderts aufgetischt, die schlußendlich nichts mit der Realität zu tun haben und lediglich dazu dienen, die Zuhörer zu verwirren.
Die Nationen und die Oligarchie. Die Herrschaft der Bürokratie
Die Bürokratie reißt politische Macht an sich, indem sie die historischen Traditionen der Zivildiener, die in das Primat der nationalen und staatlichen Interessen glaubten, auslöscht. Durch den Wechsel von der Produktion zu Geldverleih und Spekulation verwandeln sich die Spitzenfirmen in Plutokraten, die sich nahezu das gesamte von Unternehmern und Lohnarbeitern generierte Mehrprodukt widerrechtlich aneignen. Durch die Versklavung der Nation zwingen Bürokraten und Plutokraten das Volk ohne Weiterentwicklung, mit bleibenden Monopolen und absurden Gesetzen zu leben. Sie schaffen die Oligarchie, die Herrschaft der Wenigen die die Pyramide des neuen Sklavenhaltersystems krönen. Im Zuge verschiedenerlei Nötigungen verschmilzt die Oligarchie mit einer kleinen Anzahl liberaler Intellektueller, mit denen sie die Nation dazu bringt, ihre Vormachtstellung anzuerkennen und sich ihrer neuen Ideologie, dem Globalismus, zu unterwerfen.
Weder die Monarchie noch eine republikanische Regierungsform konnte der Wiedergeburt des öffentlichen Sektors widerstehen und den Angriff dieser „latter-day caste“ (modernen Kaste bzw. Kaste der letzten Tage?) zurückschlagen. Den Staat als politisch organisierte Gesellschaft kann es seinem Wesen nach nicht ohne eine Regierung geben. Im Rahmen eines natürlichen Systems bleiben die selbstverwalteten Strukturen der Gesellschaft unabhängig und genügen sich selbst und verquicken sich nicht mit den Angelegenheiten der höchsten Einrichtungen des Staates. Doch umso schwächer die regierende Klasse wird, desto mehr dringt die Bürokratie darauf, diese Lücke zu füllen, wobei die selbstverwalteten Einrichtungen zurückgehen und verfliegen.
So geschah es, daß die aus ziviler Solidarität, Selbstverwaltung und täglichen Plebisziten gewachsenen Nationen erst in das Mahlwerk der Weltkriege geworfen wurden und dann, nachdem die Elite ausgelöscht war und die gläubigen Söhne der Nationen in Gefechten dahingeschlachtet waren, die Bürokratie die Macht an sich riß und den Weg zur Formierung der globalen Oligarchie eröffnete. Das 21. Jahrhundert hat demonstriert, daß Nationen unter liberalen Slogans ebenso versklavt werden können, wie unter sozialistischen. Die Unterschiede zwischen beiden schliffen sich glatt und die globale Oligarchie wurde zur Realität. Ob ein Regierungsvertreter seine Macht für persönliche Bereicherung benutzt und die Ideale und Interessen der Nation dabei ignoriert oder die Bürokratie zu einer Firma mit haueigener Ethik und einem Begriff von Solidarität wird, der sich von den landesweiten Maßstäben unterscheidet: alle diese Formen des Regierens laufen auf eine Herrschaft der Bürokratie hinaus.
Angesteckt vom Virus der Korruption und des Betruges strebt die Bürokratie danach, die Macht zu monopolisieren und die Verantwortlichkeit der Nation, die Volksvertretung, die nationalen Eliten und den Souverän zu hintergehen. Die zynischsten Bürokraten des 21. Jahrhunderts monopolisierten das Management des Staatseigentums und verwandelten es in ihren Besitz.
Die beiden Weltkriege und der kalte Krieg, der über 50 Jahre dauerte, vereinnahmten jeden Staat des Planeten und brachte den Prozess zum logischen Ergebnis – die Formierung einer globalen Oligarchie. Während die Nationen sich gegenseitig in großen und kleinen Kriegen vertilgten, arbeitete die Bürokratie in einem heimlichen Modus. Während des kalten Krieges sahen sich die entmannten Nationen in einen permanentem Zustand des Notfalles gebracht. Die Bürokratie nutzte diese Situation, um zahlenmäßig zu wachsen und die Rolle der Volksvertretung zu minimieren. Die Nation fiel in völlige Abhängigkeit von Administrtoren. Im Gegensatz dazu gewannen die Kreditinstitute ein unvorstellbares Maß an Unabhängigkeit, bekamen den Vorrang vor den Produzenten und verwandelten sich von dienenden zu dominierenden Einrichtungen. Während die Bürokraten die Nationen zügelten, errichteten die Priester des goldenen Kalbes ein globales Finanzsystem, das der Schaffung der jetzigen globalen Oligarchie entsprach.
Nach dem Zerfall des sozialistischen Systems verstärkten die kommunistischen Bürokraten, die den nationalen Wohlstand der ehemals sozialistischen Länder veruntreut hatten, das Lager der Globalisten. Tatsächlich ist die Weltoligarchie imstande Betrüger mit jeglicher Ideologie anzuheuern. Die Kollaborateure verrieten die nationalen Interessen und schufen offene Volkswirtschaften, den Globalisten leicht abgeguckt, nur um in den Klub der globalen Oligarchie zu kommen. Umso pflichteifriger deren Bresche in die Nation war, umso schneller verlief die Annäherung an die globale Oligarchie.
Die Befreiung der Großunternehmen von nationaler Kontrolle, die Fusionierung von Bürokraten und Geldverleihern und die Schaffung einer unglaublichen Propagandamaschine, von der die Menschheit in die Komplexe und die Fantasien liberaler Gelehrter hineingerissen wurde, haben zu der wohl am potentesten und grausamsten Kraft geführt – die Allianz der Globalisten, die glauben, daß die Errichtung ihres Primats gleichbedeutend damit sei, die Geschichte zum Stillstand zu bringen und die Institutionalisierung der jetzigen Ordnung bis zum Ende der Tage.
Weder die Monarchie noch eine republikanische Regierungsform konnte der Wiedergeburt des öffentlichen Sektors widerstehen und den Angriff dieser „latter-day caste“ (modernen Kaste bzw. Kaste der letzten Tage?) zurückschlagen. Den Staat als politisch organisierte Gesellschaft kann es seinem Wesen nach nicht ohne eine Regierung geben. Im Rahmen eines natürlichen Systems bleiben die selbstverwalteten Strukturen der Gesellschaft unabhängig und genügen sich selbst und verquicken sich nicht mit den Angelegenheiten der höchsten Einrichtungen des Staates. Doch umso schwächer die regierende Klasse wird, desto mehr dringt die Bürokratie darauf, diese Lücke zu füllen, wobei die selbstverwalteten Einrichtungen zurückgehen und verfliegen.
So geschah es, daß die aus ziviler Solidarität, Selbstverwaltung und täglichen Plebisziten gewachsenen Nationen erst in das Mahlwerk der Weltkriege geworfen wurden und dann, nachdem die Elite ausgelöscht war und die gläubigen Söhne der Nationen in Gefechten dahingeschlachtet waren, die Bürokratie die Macht an sich riß und den Weg zur Formierung der globalen Oligarchie eröffnete. Das 21. Jahrhundert hat demonstriert, daß Nationen unter liberalen Slogans ebenso versklavt werden können, wie unter sozialistischen. Die Unterschiede zwischen beiden schliffen sich glatt und die globale Oligarchie wurde zur Realität. Ob ein Regierungsvertreter seine Macht für persönliche Bereicherung benutzt und die Ideale und Interessen der Nation dabei ignoriert oder die Bürokratie zu einer Firma mit haueigener Ethik und einem Begriff von Solidarität wird, der sich von den landesweiten Maßstäben unterscheidet: alle diese Formen des Regierens laufen auf eine Herrschaft der Bürokratie hinaus.
Angesteckt vom Virus der Korruption und des Betruges strebt die Bürokratie danach, die Macht zu monopolisieren und die Verantwortlichkeit der Nation, die Volksvertretung, die nationalen Eliten und den Souverän zu hintergehen. Die zynischsten Bürokraten des 21. Jahrhunderts monopolisierten das Management des Staatseigentums und verwandelten es in ihren Besitz.
Die beiden Weltkriege und der kalte Krieg, der über 50 Jahre dauerte, vereinnahmten jeden Staat des Planeten und brachte den Prozess zum logischen Ergebnis – die Formierung einer globalen Oligarchie. Während die Nationen sich gegenseitig in großen und kleinen Kriegen vertilgten, arbeitete die Bürokratie in einem heimlichen Modus. Während des kalten Krieges sahen sich die entmannten Nationen in einen permanentem Zustand des Notfalles gebracht. Die Bürokratie nutzte diese Situation, um zahlenmäßig zu wachsen und die Rolle der Volksvertretung zu minimieren. Die Nation fiel in völlige Abhängigkeit von Administrtoren. Im Gegensatz dazu gewannen die Kreditinstitute ein unvorstellbares Maß an Unabhängigkeit, bekamen den Vorrang vor den Produzenten und verwandelten sich von dienenden zu dominierenden Einrichtungen. Während die Bürokraten die Nationen zügelten, errichteten die Priester des goldenen Kalbes ein globales Finanzsystem, das der Schaffung der jetzigen globalen Oligarchie entsprach.
Nach dem Zerfall des sozialistischen Systems verstärkten die kommunistischen Bürokraten, die den nationalen Wohlstand der ehemals sozialistischen Länder veruntreut hatten, das Lager der Globalisten. Tatsächlich ist die Weltoligarchie imstande Betrüger mit jeglicher Ideologie anzuheuern. Die Kollaborateure verrieten die nationalen Interessen und schufen offene Volkswirtschaften, den Globalisten leicht abgeguckt, nur um in den Klub der globalen Oligarchie zu kommen. Umso pflichteifriger deren Bresche in die Nation war, umso schneller verlief die Annäherung an die globale Oligarchie.
Die Befreiung der Großunternehmen von nationaler Kontrolle, die Fusionierung von Bürokraten und Geldverleihern und die Schaffung einer unglaublichen Propagandamaschine, von der die Menschheit in die Komplexe und die Fantasien liberaler Gelehrter hineingerissen wurde, haben zu der wohl am potentesten und grausamsten Kraft geführt – die Allianz der Globalisten, die glauben, daß die Errichtung ihres Primats gleichbedeutend damit sei, die Geschichte zum Stillstand zu bringen und die Institutionalisierung der jetzigen Ordnung bis zum Ende der Tage.
Die Nationen und die Oligarchie. Die Interventionen des Bösen
Der Weltkrieg hat mit dem Verstummen der Waffen nicht aufgehört. Er hat lediglich ein Schattendasein angenommen, das er mit friedliebenden Mantras und Mitleid heischenden Absichten verbirgt. Indem er die physische Auslöschung von Nationen und Staaten ersetzt hat durch die Vernichtung der Seele der Völker, der geistigen Kraft der Politiker, des Verstandes der Denker, des Glaubens, der Treue, der Liebe und der Ehre – allem was der Menschenwürde Form gibt und aus Individuen Nationen macht – hat der Aggressor seine Strategie gewechselt. Indem es den nationalen Geist tötet, versucht der Aggressor die Geschichte zum Stillstand zu bringen und ihn einzuschließen nachdem es ihm gelang, die am meinsten freiheitsliebenden und kreativen Völker zu bezwingen und zu versklaven. Der Name des Aggressors ist die globale Oligarchie, sein Wesen das weltumspannende Böse.
Fernab von den Fronten der Weltkriege und des kalten Krieges, die das 20. Jahrhundert prägten, wurde mit stillen Studieren, das sich hinter propagandistischen Schlagabtäuschen zwischen einander scheinbar bekämpfenden Formationen verbarg und die darauf abzielten die Nationen von ihren wahren Interessen abzulenken, ein neues Komplott für die Vormacht der weltweiten Finanz- und Politoligarchie und deren Unterstützer in den vorherrschenden Interessensgruppen der führenden Weltmächte ins Leben gerufen, mit dem die Nationen unterdrückt und die Souveränität der Staaten zerstört werden soll.
Der neue Weltkrieg wird gegen die Freiheit der Nationen geführt, um die Dominanz der Oligarchie zu konsolidieren, zu sichern und zu stärken. Das ist ein Krieg, in dem sich unter den Bannern und Slogans universeller Werte, des gesunden Menschenverstandes und der Liebe zur Freiheit Horden doppelzüngiger Lohnschreiber und zynischer Demagogen den raffiniertesten, betrügerischsten und gemeinsten Tricks zuwenden. Wenn diese virtuellen Armeen ihre Arsenale dann erschöpft haben, werden sei mit Finanz- und Geschäftsagenten ersetzt, deren Aufgabe im Abschöpfen der wirtschaftlichen Potentiale der zu ihren Opfern gewordenen Länder besteht. Für Fälle, in denen das angebracht ist, stehen auch Söldnerheere bereit, um mit bluttriefendem Schwert die grenzenlose Gerechtigkeit in manchen Gegenden des Globus zu bewehren und ohne Unterlass mit einer vollen Ladung „cast led“ (?) zu drohen.
Es sind nicht die Werte oder die Logik oder die Freiheit, die die erneuerungssüchtigen Retter bringen. Ausbeutung, Armut, den Verlust der Unabhängigkeit, Versklavung und Besetzung haben die während der letzten Jahrzehnte der Form nach vordergründig von Mittelalterlichkeit, Totalitarismus oder Rückständigkeit befreiten Nationen erdulden müssen. Heisse Kriege sind in kurzzeitigen oder lokalen Operationen zur Unterstützung humanitärer Interventionen immer noch gebräuchlich. Doch dann kommen pausenlose und umfassende Informationskriege zur Bildung eines kollektiven Bewußtseins, von Ideologie und Lebensart.
Fernab von den Fronten der Weltkriege und des kalten Krieges, die das 20. Jahrhundert prägten, wurde mit stillen Studieren, das sich hinter propagandistischen Schlagabtäuschen zwischen einander scheinbar bekämpfenden Formationen verbarg und die darauf abzielten die Nationen von ihren wahren Interessen abzulenken, ein neues Komplott für die Vormacht der weltweiten Finanz- und Politoligarchie und deren Unterstützer in den vorherrschenden Interessensgruppen der führenden Weltmächte ins Leben gerufen, mit dem die Nationen unterdrückt und die Souveränität der Staaten zerstört werden soll.
Der neue Weltkrieg wird gegen die Freiheit der Nationen geführt, um die Dominanz der Oligarchie zu konsolidieren, zu sichern und zu stärken. Das ist ein Krieg, in dem sich unter den Bannern und Slogans universeller Werte, des gesunden Menschenverstandes und der Liebe zur Freiheit Horden doppelzüngiger Lohnschreiber und zynischer Demagogen den raffiniertesten, betrügerischsten und gemeinsten Tricks zuwenden. Wenn diese virtuellen Armeen ihre Arsenale dann erschöpft haben, werden sei mit Finanz- und Geschäftsagenten ersetzt, deren Aufgabe im Abschöpfen der wirtschaftlichen Potentiale der zu ihren Opfern gewordenen Länder besteht. Für Fälle, in denen das angebracht ist, stehen auch Söldnerheere bereit, um mit bluttriefendem Schwert die grenzenlose Gerechtigkeit in manchen Gegenden des Globus zu bewehren und ohne Unterlass mit einer vollen Ladung „cast led“ (?) zu drohen.
Es sind nicht die Werte oder die Logik oder die Freiheit, die die erneuerungssüchtigen Retter bringen. Ausbeutung, Armut, den Verlust der Unabhängigkeit, Versklavung und Besetzung haben die während der letzten Jahrzehnte der Form nach vordergründig von Mittelalterlichkeit, Totalitarismus oder Rückständigkeit befreiten Nationen erdulden müssen. Heisse Kriege sind in kurzzeitigen oder lokalen Operationen zur Unterstützung humanitärer Interventionen immer noch gebräuchlich. Doch dann kommen pausenlose und umfassende Informationskriege zur Bildung eines kollektiven Bewußtseins, von Ideologie und Lebensart.
суббота, 29 августа 2009 г.
National Manifesto. The Nations and Oligarchy. The Cult of the Oligarchy
Since time immemorial the golden calf has been generating lures to enslave people. And the 20th century, having destroyed the traditions and moral norms in the fire of wars and revolutions, has changed the sectarian worship of the calf into an openly practiced religion. Nations and states are convinced that affluence is affordable through management of money flows. Those unwilling to worship cash are now depicted as savages or diehards.
Development of communications has given the newfangled priests incalculable opportunities to propagate their faith. And the mass media has turned into their chief weapon. Freedom of speech has sunk in the torrents of praise to the golden calf and in damnation, mockery and lies for those reluctant to surrender. Freedom of speech has developed into the freedom to serve the rulers who pay back in cash and signs of respect. Casting aside sentimentality and decency, bureaucrats and the free press establish new standards of human behavior required for building the oligarchic capital. Money is becoming the sole criterion for success and dignity.
Oligarchs have invariably leaned on leftist, either socialist or liberal, ideas to tempt people by the theoretical opportunity to equally share the national wealth and meanwhile appropriate its incompatibly greater portion in various private quests. In both cases the lure is in less work and more consumption. As a result, the nation is producing less, with the lion’s share of consumption going to the oligarchic clans. In the meantime, the propaganda machine is turning citizens into serfs unable to manage their destiny. And all those defending national interests and trying to safeguard and build up the nation are accused of preposterous and repulsive ploys like extermination of humans or unleashing wars for the whole mankind to perish. The crook yells “Stop thief!” to distract attention from his own doings.
Controlled by plutocrats, governments of free powers and their executive committees, the mass media is consistently and permanently discrediting and defaming priests and philosophers, academics and writers, politicians and public figures, essayists and military leaders, doctrines and parties – in fact all those who overtly defend the nation’s honor and dignity and everything that holds up national self-consciousness. Any means are good to do the trick – silencing, intimidation, partial or complete exclusion from public life, concoction of absurd charges, putting insurmountable barriers for access to the press, TV or radio.
Bureaucrats, plutocrats and oligarchs find it practical to support and promote only those public figures that serve their interests and bamboozle people by hopelessly outdated and empty political slogans, ideas, concepts and dogmas. Nations are served by freshly packed political theories of the 19th century, ultimately disconnected from the reality and aimed just to mislead the audience.
Development of communications has given the newfangled priests incalculable opportunities to propagate their faith. And the mass media has turned into their chief weapon. Freedom of speech has sunk in the torrents of praise to the golden calf and in damnation, mockery and lies for those reluctant to surrender. Freedom of speech has developed into the freedom to serve the rulers who pay back in cash and signs of respect. Casting aside sentimentality and decency, bureaucrats and the free press establish new standards of human behavior required for building the oligarchic capital. Money is becoming the sole criterion for success and dignity.
Oligarchs have invariably leaned on leftist, either socialist or liberal, ideas to tempt people by the theoretical opportunity to equally share the national wealth and meanwhile appropriate its incompatibly greater portion in various private quests. In both cases the lure is in less work and more consumption. As a result, the nation is producing less, with the lion’s share of consumption going to the oligarchic clans. In the meantime, the propaganda machine is turning citizens into serfs unable to manage their destiny. And all those defending national interests and trying to safeguard and build up the nation are accused of preposterous and repulsive ploys like extermination of humans or unleashing wars for the whole mankind to perish. The crook yells “Stop thief!” to distract attention from his own doings.
Controlled by plutocrats, governments of free powers and their executive committees, the mass media is consistently and permanently discrediting and defaming priests and philosophers, academics and writers, politicians and public figures, essayists and military leaders, doctrines and parties – in fact all those who overtly defend the nation’s honor and dignity and everything that holds up national self-consciousness. Any means are good to do the trick – silencing, intimidation, partial or complete exclusion from public life, concoction of absurd charges, putting insurmountable barriers for access to the press, TV or radio.
Bureaucrats, plutocrats and oligarchs find it practical to support and promote only those public figures that serve their interests and bamboozle people by hopelessly outdated and empty political slogans, ideas, concepts and dogmas. Nations are served by freshly packed political theories of the 19th century, ultimately disconnected from the reality and aimed just to mislead the audience.
четверг, 27 августа 2009 г.
National Manifesto. The Nations and Oligarchy. The Reign of Bureaucracy
The bureaucracy is seizing political power, eradicating the historical traditions of civil servants who believed in the primacy of the national and state interests. Switching over from production to money lending and speculation, the top corporations turn into plutocrats who misappropriate almost the entire surplus product generated by the entrepreneurs and hired workers. By enslaving the nation, the bureaucrats and plutocrats compel the people to life without development, lasting monopoly and absurd laws. They create oligarchy, the rule of the few that crowns the pyramid of the new slave-owning system. Using all kinds of coercion, the oligarchy unites with the small number of liberal intellectuals to make nations recognize their supremacy and to succumb to globalism, their new ideology.
Neither monarchy nor republican form of government could resist the rebirth of the public service and rebuff the attack of this latter-day caste on the key government mechanisms. In essence a politically organized society, the state cannot do without government. Within a natural system, the self-governing structures of the society remain independent and self-sufficient and do not meddle in the affairs of the supreme state institutions. But with the governing class weakening, the bureaucracy rushes to fill the gap, whereas the self-governing institutions decline and evaporate.
It so happened that the nations, produced by civil solidarity, self-government and daily plebiscite, were first thrown into the grinder of the world wars, and then, after the elite had been exterminated and the faithful sons of the nations slaughtered in combat, the bureaucracy seized power and opened the way to formation of the global oligarchy. The 21st century has demonstrated that nations can be enslaved both under liberal and socialist slogans. Differences between regimes smoothened and the global oligarchy became a reality.
If a government official uses his powers for personal enrichment, ignoring the nation’s ideals and interests, if the bureaucracy becomes a corporation with in-house ethics and solidarity different from nation-wide standards, all forms of government boil down to the bureaucratic rule. Affected by the virus of corruption and treason, the bureaucrats strive to monopolize the power and evade the responsibility to the nation, popular representation, national elite and the sovereign. In the 21st century the most cynical bureaucrats monopolized management of the state assets and converted them into their own property.
The two world wars and the cold war, which lasted over 50 years, engaged every state of the planet and brought the process to the logical outcome – the formation of the global oligarchy. While the nations were exterminating each other in large and small wars, the bureaucracy was working in a clandestine mode. During the cold war the emasculated nations were made to exist in permanent emergency. The bureaucracy used the situation to grow in number and minimize the role of popular representation. The nation fell into full dependence from administrators. Quite the contrary, credit institutions gained unthinkable independence, took priority over producers and turned from servicing into dominating institutions. While the bureaucrats were bridling the nations, the priests of the golden calf built a global financial system that paralleled the creation of the current global oligarchy.
After disintegration of the socialist system, communist bureaucrats who embezzled the national wealth of former socialist countries strengthened the globalists’ camp. Actually, the world oligarchy is set to recruit traitors with any kind of ideology. The collaborators were betraying the national interests and created open economies, easily pilfered by the globalists, just to join the global oligarchs’ club. The more zealous was their breach with the nation, the faster was the rapprochement with the global oligarchy.
Liberation of big business from national control, merger of bureaucrats and moneylenders, and creation of an incredible propaganda machine, which has engulfed the mankind in the complexes and fantasies of liberal scholars, has brought about the most potent and cruel force – the alliance of globalists who believe that establishment of their primacy means putting history to a halt and institutionalizing the current order till end of days.
Neither monarchy nor republican form of government could resist the rebirth of the public service and rebuff the attack of this latter-day caste on the key government mechanisms. In essence a politically organized society, the state cannot do without government. Within a natural system, the self-governing structures of the society remain independent and self-sufficient and do not meddle in the affairs of the supreme state institutions. But with the governing class weakening, the bureaucracy rushes to fill the gap, whereas the self-governing institutions decline and evaporate.
It so happened that the nations, produced by civil solidarity, self-government and daily plebiscite, were first thrown into the grinder of the world wars, and then, after the elite had been exterminated and the faithful sons of the nations slaughtered in combat, the bureaucracy seized power and opened the way to formation of the global oligarchy. The 21st century has demonstrated that nations can be enslaved both under liberal and socialist slogans. Differences between regimes smoothened and the global oligarchy became a reality.
If a government official uses his powers for personal enrichment, ignoring the nation’s ideals and interests, if the bureaucracy becomes a corporation with in-house ethics and solidarity different from nation-wide standards, all forms of government boil down to the bureaucratic rule. Affected by the virus of corruption and treason, the bureaucrats strive to monopolize the power and evade the responsibility to the nation, popular representation, national elite and the sovereign. In the 21st century the most cynical bureaucrats monopolized management of the state assets and converted them into their own property.
The two world wars and the cold war, which lasted over 50 years, engaged every state of the planet and brought the process to the logical outcome – the formation of the global oligarchy. While the nations were exterminating each other in large and small wars, the bureaucracy was working in a clandestine mode. During the cold war the emasculated nations were made to exist in permanent emergency. The bureaucracy used the situation to grow in number and minimize the role of popular representation. The nation fell into full dependence from administrators. Quite the contrary, credit institutions gained unthinkable independence, took priority over producers and turned from servicing into dominating institutions. While the bureaucrats were bridling the nations, the priests of the golden calf built a global financial system that paralleled the creation of the current global oligarchy.
After disintegration of the socialist system, communist bureaucrats who embezzled the national wealth of former socialist countries strengthened the globalists’ camp. Actually, the world oligarchy is set to recruit traitors with any kind of ideology. The collaborators were betraying the national interests and created open economies, easily pilfered by the globalists, just to join the global oligarchs’ club. The more zealous was their breach with the nation, the faster was the rapprochement with the global oligarchy.
Liberation of big business from national control, merger of bureaucrats and moneylenders, and creation of an incredible propaganda machine, which has engulfed the mankind in the complexes and fantasies of liberal scholars, has brought about the most potent and cruel force – the alliance of globalists who believe that establishment of their primacy means putting history to a halt and institutionalizing the current order till end of days.
среда, 26 августа 2009 г.
National Manifesto. The Nations and Oligarchy. Intervention of the Evil
The World War has not come to end with guns silenced. It has just retreated into the shadow, obscured by peace-loving oratory and compassionate intentions. The aggressor has changed his strategy, replacing physical extermination of nations and states by annihilation the soul of the people, mental power of politicians, brains of thinkers, faith, fidelity, love and honor, everything that frames the human dignity and unites individuals into nations. By killing the national spirit, the aggressor strives to bring history to a standstill, to contain it after he has managed to vanquish and enslave the most freedom-loving and creative populaces. The aggressor’s name is the global oligarchy, in essence, the global evil.
In the quiet studies far away from the fronts of both the worldwide and cold wars that dominated the 20th century, covered up by the propaganda exchanges of seemingly conflicting formations aimed to distract the nations from genuine problems, a new conspiracy was brought into being for the global financial and political oligarchy and its backers in the prevailing interest groups of leading world powers to ensure their supremacy by suppressing the nations and destroying the states’ sovereignty.
The new world war is being waged against the nations’ freedom in order to consolidate, safeguard and strengthen the dominance of the oligarchy. This is a war in which hordes of deceitful penny-a-liners and cynical demagogues turn to most sophisticated, treacherous and mean tricks under the banners and slogans of universal values, commonsense and love to freedom. After these virtual armies have finally exhausted their arsenals, they are replaced with financial and commercial agents tasked to wipe out the economic potential of the victimized countries. Whenever appropriate, occupational forces also become handy to apply a blood-dripping sword for reinforcing limitless justice in some area of the globe, never stopping to intimidate by a full-scale use of cast led.
It is not the values or logic or freedom that the newfangled saviors bring to the nations. Ostensibly liberated form from medievalism, totalitarianism or backwardness by way of humanitarian interventions, during the past several decades these nations have received exploitation, poverty, lost independence, enslavement and occupation. For short-term or local action, hot wars are also still in practice to shore up humanitarian operations. But then, there are nonstop and all-out information wars to shape collective consciousness, ideology and way of life.
In the quiet studies far away from the fronts of both the worldwide and cold wars that dominated the 20th century, covered up by the propaganda exchanges of seemingly conflicting formations aimed to distract the nations from genuine problems, a new conspiracy was brought into being for the global financial and political oligarchy and its backers in the prevailing interest groups of leading world powers to ensure their supremacy by suppressing the nations and destroying the states’ sovereignty.
The new world war is being waged against the nations’ freedom in order to consolidate, safeguard and strengthen the dominance of the oligarchy. This is a war in which hordes of deceitful penny-a-liners and cynical demagogues turn to most sophisticated, treacherous and mean tricks under the banners and slogans of universal values, commonsense and love to freedom. After these virtual armies have finally exhausted their arsenals, they are replaced with financial and commercial agents tasked to wipe out the economic potential of the victimized countries. Whenever appropriate, occupational forces also become handy to apply a blood-dripping sword for reinforcing limitless justice in some area of the globe, never stopping to intimidate by a full-scale use of cast led.
It is not the values or logic or freedom that the newfangled saviors bring to the nations. Ostensibly liberated form from medievalism, totalitarianism or backwardness by way of humanitarian interventions, during the past several decades these nations have received exploitation, poverty, lost independence, enslavement and occupation. For short-term or local action, hot wars are also still in practice to shore up humanitarian operations. But then, there are nonstop and all-out information wars to shape collective consciousness, ideology and way of life.
The National Manifesto
On 24 May 2009 in Moscow Dr. Andrei Savelev, Sergey Pykhtin and Igor Kalyadin presented their new book the National Manifesto. The book was written in Russian and told about new view at public history. The authors asked the public to pay attention that all nations all over the world have common interests and common desires and common enemies who stand at their way to happiness and prevent to achieve natural national goals. These enemies are oligarchy and burecraucy.
The publishers prepared translation of the book into English, and we have perfect ability to present the translation to you. The book is quite big that is why we shall publish it chapter by chapter.
The publishers prepared translation of the book into English, and we have perfect ability to present the translation to you. The book is quite big that is why we shall publish it chapter by chapter.
вторник, 18 августа 2009 г.
To recognise the House
Alexander Zakatov, Director of the Chancellery of the House of Romanoff, explained why the Romanoffs desire to return to Russia and why they have set conditions that must be met before they can return.
Moscow, 6 June. INTERFAX.RU. The Director the Chancellery of the House of Romanoff, Alexander Zakatov, stated in an interview with the correspondent of “INTERFAX” Ekaterina Komissar, that the head of the Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, who currently lives in Spain, has always hoped to return to Russia.
Does the House of Romanoff plan to return to Russia, and if so, when might this happen?
For members of the Russian Imperial House, Russia has always been the only true homeland. All the years of their exile, the Imperial Family has lived with the constant hope of returning home. They held this firm conviction even during the darkest times of the Communist dictatorship. The process of returning to their homeland began only in 1991, with the first visit of Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich to St. Petersburg.
After his death in 1992, the responsibility for the fate of the dynasty fell on his daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. She has, to date, made around 60 visits to the Russian Federation, having traveled in and visited nearly every corner of the country—from Smolensk to Vladivostok—and having visited several states that, while now independent since the fall of the USSR, belonged and belong even now to the same historical and cultural expanse that was once the Russian Empire.
The Imperial Family desires to return to Russia to live permanently. This will certainly happen, but only when certain matters in regard to the status of the dynasty in Russia have been resolved.
Will the House of Romanoff require some kind of official status in Russia, and have there been negotiations about this with officials in the Russian government?
The Imperial House has never requested, required, or demanded anything, and never will. One must understand that a legitimate government and civil rights cannot exist without the support of traditional historical institutions.
Historical institutions: these are entities which, without a doubt, have a historical connectedness from the moment of their appearance and which exist in accordance with their own internal historical laws, inasmuch as they do not contradict the Constitution or the legal system. Such entities in Russia include the Russian Orthodox Church and its canonical laws, and the Russian Imperial House of Romanoff, with its dynastic laws. Not very long ago, the Church in our country did not enjoy the status of a legal entity. Now, however, Church-State relations are developing a truly legal, mutually beneficial and mutually supportive foundation. The State has found the legal and formal grounds for respecting the Orthodox Church and other traditional religions. In the exact same way, by analogy, our democratic government can find the legal and formal grounds for the recognition of the Russian Imperial House and for cooperation with it. This is entirely possible to do in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, and so in no way would contradict the democratic structure of the government. In order to make a proper decision on the issue, an authorized commission, made up of lawyers and historians, would work with relevant documents. I want especially to emphasize that the legal recognition of the Russian Imperial House by the current Russian government is not in any way to be linked with any sort of effort at restitution of property or with any sort of “governmental role” to be played by the Imperial Family, despite the irresponsible and utterly baseless claims some have made. Moreover, the Head of the Dynasty, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, has clearly and categorically rejected the notion that any such legal status granted her and her family should include any personal privileges or preferences to members of the House of Romanoff from the State, but should rather constitute only a non-financial form of legal respect for the dynasty, which for more than 300 years ruled our country and gave to it such historically significant figures as: Peter I the Great, Catherine II the Great, Alexander II the Tsar-Liberator, and Alexander III the Tsar-Peacemaker.
The dynasty is a living symbol of our past, without respect for which we cannot build our present or our future. Questions about the life and role of the House of Romanoff in Russian society would of course be decided with the involvement and help of our countrymen. For the government, the recognition of the status of the Imperial House would be little more than a piece of paper on which the formal document is to be written. But the uses and advantages of that piece of paper—both spiritual and material—will be tangible, as the example of neighboring nations has amply demonstrated. The position of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna on the return of the Imperial Family to Russia and on the legal status of the Imperial Family in Russia is public and well-known. There are no “negotiations” whatsoever proceeding at the present time with any official representatives of the government.
What do you make of the declaration of representatives of the Romanoff Family Association that Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna does not have the right to call herself the head of the House of Romanoff?
This kind of disinformation is inspired by statements similar to the one heard recently by Dmitrii Romanoff—a statement full of demagoguery, totally muddled in logic, and utterly unsupported by any legal or historical arguments. In point of fact, the titles and position of the Grand Duchess pose absolutely no legal problems whatsoever. The status of the head of the House of Romanoff is established entirely by the dynastic law, and does not depend on the recognition or non-recognition by one or another individual. The Family Statute, promulgated by Emperor Paul I in 1797, does not allow for multiple claimants to the throne and provides always for a clear, single heir who is to have the rights and fulfill the duties of the head of the House. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna is not a “pretender to the throne,” but rather is, by right of law and inheritance, the head of the dynasty.
The Imperial House of Romanoff is the embodiment and preserver of an established idea and ideals. It will always have friends and, of course, enemies. Whoever the head of the dynasty may be, he or she will have opponents on this side and on that. It can hardly be otherwise.
But there are honorable, thoughtful opponents, and then there are ill-meaning opponents who employ the methods of “negative PR.” They very much want to create the illusion that, in the question over the headship of the House of Romanoff, there exist some unresolved contradictions, that in fact none of the Romanoffs have any rights to the headship of the dynasty, that they cannot among themselves resolve the matter and that there is constant bickering over the succession to a non-existent throne.
If we are to speak about recognition, then one must readily see that the vast majority of knowledgeable authorities (not some random collection of relatives), like the Church and foreign royal houses, fully recognize the status of Maria Vladimirovna, and that this status is established in official documents. She herself sees her position not as some sort of privilege, but as a duty which one cannot possibly appropriate for oneself, nor that cannot possibly be abjured. The “Romanoff Family Association” consists of relatives of the dynasty who are descended from unequal marriages, and therefore, in accordance with the Family Statute, do not legally belong to the Imperial House. This Association was formed as a group for Romanoff relatives, but it has an entirely different legal nature from that of the Imperial House, membership in which, in addition to kinship, requires the observance of a series of conditions and requirements.
And it should be pointed out that not all of the members of the Romanoff Family Association are opponents of the Grand Duchess. Far from it. The majority are either entirely neutral or are well-disposed toward her. During her visits to Russia, the Grand Duchess has met and warmly greeted the great-grandson of Alexander II, Prince G. A. Yurievsky; the grandson of Grand Duke Dmitrii Pavlovich, Prince M. P. Romanovsky-Ilynsky, and with the great-grandson of Grand Duchess Olga Aleksandrovna, P. E. Kulikovsky.
This constant hostility comes, in fact, only from two elderly brothers, representatives of one of the more junior branches of morganatic relatives—Nikolai Romanovich and Dmitrii Romanovich, who inherited from their father, Prince Roman Petrovich, his animosity toward the senior line of the dynasty. There has not yet been an instance when either of them has had a kind or agreeable word to say to or about the Grand Duchess. If she is “for” something, then they are “against” it; and if she is “against” something, then they are “for” it. This is quite sad and, perhaps, a bit comical.
It is certainly not a healthy thing for the descendants of our great emperors to abandon—for reasons of ambition, for the sake of a fleeting popularity—the values by which their ancestors lived. They are committed republicans. They see no purpose in preserving the status of the Imperial House as a historical institution. They were against the rehabilitation of the murdered members of the royal family for the simple and sole reason that it was the Grand Duchess herself who was leading this legal effort. When the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in 2008 affirmed the correctness of the Grand Duchess’s legal position and rehabilitated the royal martyrs, they attempted to diminish the significance of this ruling. They ignored the opinion of the Church on the question of the “Ekaterinburg Remains,” they do not recognize the Family Statute, and so on, and so forth.
One may not agree with the views and opinions of the Grand Duchess, but she is, at least, honestly and consistently standing up for and defending the ideals of the House of Romanoff.
All her relatives she treats with deep and sincere love. Not once has she ever uttered an ill word. And, of course, the Head of the House of Romanoff will not in the least allow herself to be drawn into some forced, artfully concocted polemic with the Romanoff Family Association.
You mentioned the royal remains. What is the position of the House of Romanoff on the question of their authenticity?
On this question, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna shares fully the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, having not found sufficient foundation for recognizing the “Ekaterinburg Remains” as belonging to the members of the Royal Family. No one in this world wants more that these remains should be the relics of the royal martyrs than the Church and the dynasty. For the Church, these would be yet one more set of relics for veneration by the faithful, and for the Imperial Family, in addition to that, it would be also the identified remains of their dear relatives. And if the Church and dynasty are in no hurry to recognize them and continue to call for caution and care in the matter, it surely means that they have solid reasons for it.
One can sit all day and count up the contradictions and oddities in the investigation: the inconsistencies in the memoirs of the murders, the absence of any markings on the skull that supposedly belongs to Nicholas II, the account of the beheading of Nicholas II and his son, and the confused and not very accurate story about the discovery and movement of the remains after 1979.
We cannot with one hundred percent certainty affirm that the remains are false, but neither has their authenticity been just as firmly established, either. The final and most significant word on this matter—for all parties, including, first and foremost, the Imperial House—comes of course from the Church. If the questions posed by the reposed Patriarch Aleksei II are one day given convincing and intelligent answers, then thank God! In the meantime, it would be criminal to mislead the people, risking that in the future new scientific methods that will provide the means for a radically new reexamination of remains, won’t force a revision to the hasty results of the government commission.
Moscow, 6 June. INTERFAX.RU. The Director the Chancellery of the House of Romanoff, Alexander Zakatov, stated in an interview with the correspondent of “INTERFAX” Ekaterina Komissar, that the head of the Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, who currently lives in Spain, has always hoped to return to Russia.
Does the House of Romanoff plan to return to Russia, and if so, when might this happen?
For members of the Russian Imperial House, Russia has always been the only true homeland. All the years of their exile, the Imperial Family has lived with the constant hope of returning home. They held this firm conviction even during the darkest times of the Communist dictatorship. The process of returning to their homeland began only in 1991, with the first visit of Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich to St. Petersburg.
After his death in 1992, the responsibility for the fate of the dynasty fell on his daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. She has, to date, made around 60 visits to the Russian Federation, having traveled in and visited nearly every corner of the country—from Smolensk to Vladivostok—and having visited several states that, while now independent since the fall of the USSR, belonged and belong even now to the same historical and cultural expanse that was once the Russian Empire.
The Imperial Family desires to return to Russia to live permanently. This will certainly happen, but only when certain matters in regard to the status of the dynasty in Russia have been resolved.
Will the House of Romanoff require some kind of official status in Russia, and have there been negotiations about this with officials in the Russian government?
The Imperial House has never requested, required, or demanded anything, and never will. One must understand that a legitimate government and civil rights cannot exist without the support of traditional historical institutions.
Historical institutions: these are entities which, without a doubt, have a historical connectedness from the moment of their appearance and which exist in accordance with their own internal historical laws, inasmuch as they do not contradict the Constitution or the legal system. Such entities in Russia include the Russian Orthodox Church and its canonical laws, and the Russian Imperial House of Romanoff, with its dynastic laws. Not very long ago, the Church in our country did not enjoy the status of a legal entity. Now, however, Church-State relations are developing a truly legal, mutually beneficial and mutually supportive foundation. The State has found the legal and formal grounds for respecting the Orthodox Church and other traditional religions. In the exact same way, by analogy, our democratic government can find the legal and formal grounds for the recognition of the Russian Imperial House and for cooperation with it. This is entirely possible to do in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, and so in no way would contradict the democratic structure of the government. In order to make a proper decision on the issue, an authorized commission, made up of lawyers and historians, would work with relevant documents. I want especially to emphasize that the legal recognition of the Russian Imperial House by the current Russian government is not in any way to be linked with any sort of effort at restitution of property or with any sort of “governmental role” to be played by the Imperial Family, despite the irresponsible and utterly baseless claims some have made. Moreover, the Head of the Dynasty, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, has clearly and categorically rejected the notion that any such legal status granted her and her family should include any personal privileges or preferences to members of the House of Romanoff from the State, but should rather constitute only a non-financial form of legal respect for the dynasty, which for more than 300 years ruled our country and gave to it such historically significant figures as: Peter I the Great, Catherine II the Great, Alexander II the Tsar-Liberator, and Alexander III the Tsar-Peacemaker.
The dynasty is a living symbol of our past, without respect for which we cannot build our present or our future. Questions about the life and role of the House of Romanoff in Russian society would of course be decided with the involvement and help of our countrymen. For the government, the recognition of the status of the Imperial House would be little more than a piece of paper on which the formal document is to be written. But the uses and advantages of that piece of paper—both spiritual and material—will be tangible, as the example of neighboring nations has amply demonstrated. The position of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna on the return of the Imperial Family to Russia and on the legal status of the Imperial Family in Russia is public and well-known. There are no “negotiations” whatsoever proceeding at the present time with any official representatives of the government.
What do you make of the declaration of representatives of the Romanoff Family Association that Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna does not have the right to call herself the head of the House of Romanoff?
This kind of disinformation is inspired by statements similar to the one heard recently by Dmitrii Romanoff—a statement full of demagoguery, totally muddled in logic, and utterly unsupported by any legal or historical arguments. In point of fact, the titles and position of the Grand Duchess pose absolutely no legal problems whatsoever. The status of the head of the House of Romanoff is established entirely by the dynastic law, and does not depend on the recognition or non-recognition by one or another individual. The Family Statute, promulgated by Emperor Paul I in 1797, does not allow for multiple claimants to the throne and provides always for a clear, single heir who is to have the rights and fulfill the duties of the head of the House. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna is not a “pretender to the throne,” but rather is, by right of law and inheritance, the head of the dynasty.
The Imperial House of Romanoff is the embodiment and preserver of an established idea and ideals. It will always have friends and, of course, enemies. Whoever the head of the dynasty may be, he or she will have opponents on this side and on that. It can hardly be otherwise.
But there are honorable, thoughtful opponents, and then there are ill-meaning opponents who employ the methods of “negative PR.” They very much want to create the illusion that, in the question over the headship of the House of Romanoff, there exist some unresolved contradictions, that in fact none of the Romanoffs have any rights to the headship of the dynasty, that they cannot among themselves resolve the matter and that there is constant bickering over the succession to a non-existent throne.
If we are to speak about recognition, then one must readily see that the vast majority of knowledgeable authorities (not some random collection of relatives), like the Church and foreign royal houses, fully recognize the status of Maria Vladimirovna, and that this status is established in official documents. She herself sees her position not as some sort of privilege, but as a duty which one cannot possibly appropriate for oneself, nor that cannot possibly be abjured. The “Romanoff Family Association” consists of relatives of the dynasty who are descended from unequal marriages, and therefore, in accordance with the Family Statute, do not legally belong to the Imperial House. This Association was formed as a group for Romanoff relatives, but it has an entirely different legal nature from that of the Imperial House, membership in which, in addition to kinship, requires the observance of a series of conditions and requirements.
And it should be pointed out that not all of the members of the Romanoff Family Association are opponents of the Grand Duchess. Far from it. The majority are either entirely neutral or are well-disposed toward her. During her visits to Russia, the Grand Duchess has met and warmly greeted the great-grandson of Alexander II, Prince G. A. Yurievsky; the grandson of Grand Duke Dmitrii Pavlovich, Prince M. P. Romanovsky-Ilynsky, and with the great-grandson of Grand Duchess Olga Aleksandrovna, P. E. Kulikovsky.
This constant hostility comes, in fact, only from two elderly brothers, representatives of one of the more junior branches of morganatic relatives—Nikolai Romanovich and Dmitrii Romanovich, who inherited from their father, Prince Roman Petrovich, his animosity toward the senior line of the dynasty. There has not yet been an instance when either of them has had a kind or agreeable word to say to or about the Grand Duchess. If she is “for” something, then they are “against” it; and if she is “against” something, then they are “for” it. This is quite sad and, perhaps, a bit comical.
It is certainly not a healthy thing for the descendants of our great emperors to abandon—for reasons of ambition, for the sake of a fleeting popularity—the values by which their ancestors lived. They are committed republicans. They see no purpose in preserving the status of the Imperial House as a historical institution. They were against the rehabilitation of the murdered members of the royal family for the simple and sole reason that it was the Grand Duchess herself who was leading this legal effort. When the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in 2008 affirmed the correctness of the Grand Duchess’s legal position and rehabilitated the royal martyrs, they attempted to diminish the significance of this ruling. They ignored the opinion of the Church on the question of the “Ekaterinburg Remains,” they do not recognize the Family Statute, and so on, and so forth.
One may not agree with the views and opinions of the Grand Duchess, but she is, at least, honestly and consistently standing up for and defending the ideals of the House of Romanoff.
All her relatives she treats with deep and sincere love. Not once has she ever uttered an ill word. And, of course, the Head of the House of Romanoff will not in the least allow herself to be drawn into some forced, artfully concocted polemic with the Romanoff Family Association.
You mentioned the royal remains. What is the position of the House of Romanoff on the question of their authenticity?
On this question, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna shares fully the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, having not found sufficient foundation for recognizing the “Ekaterinburg Remains” as belonging to the members of the Royal Family. No one in this world wants more that these remains should be the relics of the royal martyrs than the Church and the dynasty. For the Church, these would be yet one more set of relics for veneration by the faithful, and for the Imperial Family, in addition to that, it would be also the identified remains of their dear relatives. And if the Church and dynasty are in no hurry to recognize them and continue to call for caution and care in the matter, it surely means that they have solid reasons for it.
One can sit all day and count up the contradictions and oddities in the investigation: the inconsistencies in the memoirs of the murders, the absence of any markings on the skull that supposedly belongs to Nicholas II, the account of the beheading of Nicholas II and his son, and the confused and not very accurate story about the discovery and movement of the remains after 1979.
We cannot with one hundred percent certainty affirm that the remains are false, but neither has their authenticity been just as firmly established, either. The final and most significant word on this matter—for all parties, including, first and foremost, the Imperial House—comes of course from the Church. If the questions posed by the reposed Patriarch Aleksei II are one day given convincing and intelligent answers, then thank God! In the meantime, it would be criminal to mislead the people, risking that in the future new scientific methods that will provide the means for a radically new reexamination of remains, won’t force a revision to the hasty results of the government commission.
среда, 12 августа 2009 г.
Press-conference in Saint Petersburg
On 12 August 2009 in Saint Petersburg a press-conference of Director of H.I.H. Chancellery Sir Alexander Zakatov and the RIU-O was held.
During the press-conference Sir Zakatov confirmed that the Russian Imperial House and personally its Head Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna supports the idea to restore monarchy in Russia and finds that the restoration will make state authority in Russia more effective. Nevertheless the Russian Imperial House will agree for restoration only if the restoration is supported by the people. Today there is no chances to restore the monarchy, but we should wait for relevant time and to keep true monarchical ideals during this time.
Also it was proclaimed that the Russian Imperial House thinks that it will be useful if the republican government recognises the official status of the Russian Imperial House. It is necessary not for restitution of the property (the House doesn't wish it), but to make cultural, patriotic and charitable work of the Dynasty more successfull and effective.
During the press-conference Sir Zakatov confirmed that the Russian Imperial House and personally its Head Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna supports the idea to restore monarchy in Russia and finds that the restoration will make state authority in Russia more effective. Nevertheless the Russian Imperial House will agree for restoration only if the restoration is supported by the people. Today there is no chances to restore the monarchy, but we should wait for relevant time and to keep true monarchical ideals during this time.
Also it was proclaimed that the Russian Imperial House thinks that it will be useful if the republican government recognises the official status of the Russian Imperial House. It is necessary not for restitution of the property (the House doesn't wish it), but to make cultural, patriotic and charitable work of the Dynasty more successfull and effective.
вторник, 11 августа 2009 г.
Meeting in Saint Petersburg
On 11 August 2009 in Saint Petersburg the meeting was held between Commander of the Russian Imperial Union-Order Sir George Fedoroff and Director of the H.I.H. Chancellery Sir Alexander Zakatov. Sir Fedoroff and Sir Zakatov discussed current situation in the monarchical movement of Russia and actual problems of its further development.
понедельник, 10 августа 2009 г.
The RIU-O in Australia
The Australian Department of the Russian Imperial Union-Order opens its own blog.
You are welcome to read it.
You are welcome to read it.
суббота, 8 августа 2009 г.
Grand Duchess would like to return to Russia
Grand Duchess and member of the State Duma Andrei Savelev, who makes report about his work to obtain official recognition of the Russian Imperial House by the government. 2006
Director of the H.I.H. Chancellery Sir Alexander Zakatov gave interview to the most influential Russian information agency INTERFAX on 6 August 2009. Sir Zakatov answered to questions connected to recognition of the Russian Imperial House as the official historical institution by the current government of the Russian Federation.
Sir Zakatov told that Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna would like to return to Russia but she connects this decision to formal legal recognition of the Russian Imperial House by the government of the Russian Federation. Grand Duchess doesn't claim neither restitution of the property, nor appanage. She needs respect only not to her personally, but to the House headed by her and to its role in the Russian history.
Recognition of the Russian Imperial House doesn't mean automatically restoration of monarchy, Sir Zakatov emphasized.
The Highest Visit to Belarus

The Highest Visit of H.I.H. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna to Belarus began on 16 July and was ended on 21 July 2009.
Grand Duchess was officially invited to visit Gomel Region by the governor of the region Mr Jacobson. In Gomel Region Grand Duchess had vast cultural progra and visited places connected to the period of history when Belarus was a part of the Russian Empire. In Gomel Region Grand Duchess also visited such administrative centres as Vetka and Mozyr and old Russian town Turov which was a centre of a duchy in XI century.
Then Grand Duchess visited Brest and a capital of Belarus Minsk.
In Minsk Her Imperial Highness gave interview to the most popular non-governmental newspaper of Belarus The Narodnaya Volya. She denied that entrence of Byelorussian lands into the Russian Empire in XVIII century was a form of colonialism, it was realisation of desires of the people who struggled against Poland, emphasized Grand Duchess. Also Grand Duchess proclaimed that She thinks that every part of former Russian Empire is Her Motherland, including Belarus, and She feels it very well.
In Minsk Grand Duchess gave audience to delegation of Byelorussian members of the Russian Imperial Union-Order.
On 22 July Grand Duchess returned from Minsk to Moscow and on 23 July She came back to Madrid.
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